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Exploring Spousal Support And Child Support

Exploring Spousal Support And Child SupportNavigating Child And Spousal Support Issues In A New Jersey Divorce: Determining The Support Amount

Child support in New Jersey is determined using the child support guidelines worksheet, a computer program that processes various information to calculate the child support obligation. Factors considered include:

  • Gross earnings;
  • Overnights spent with the other parent;
  • Union dues;
  • Mandatory retirement contributions;
  • And more.

The program provides a weekly child support obligation based on the data entered into the calculation. This child support amount is generally non-modifiable, unless both parties agree to modify the support obligation.

Alimony, also known as spousal support, is a more complex calculation in New Jersey. It is regulated by the alimony statute, NJSA 2A:34-23, which considers a comprehensive set of factors. These factors include the:

  • Need and ability of the parties;
  • Duration of the marriage or civil union;
  • Age and health of the parties;
  • Established standard of living during the marriage;
  • And more.

Notably, the standard of living during the marriage is a significant component when determining alimony. For instance, a couple with high earnings but a frugal lifestyle might result in lower alimony, as their standard of living wasn’t extravagant. Conversely, a couple with moderate earnings who prioritized a lavish lifestyle during marriage might lead to a higher alimony obligation.

All in all, understanding how child support and alimony are determined in New Jersey involves recognizing the clear calculation process for child support and the more intricate evaluation of various factors for alimony. Both child support and alimony calculations are designed to ensure fairness and consideration of the financial circumstances of both parties involved in divorce or separation proceedings. A family law lawyer can help you get a better idea of what support may look like in your specific situation.

Paying Child Support Before A Divorce Is Finalized

Depending on the parties’ living arrangements, child support can be paid before the divorce is finalized. This is because the entire process focuses on ensuring the child’s well-being and addressing their financial needs during the divorce process.

If both parents are still residing in the same house during the divorce process, there might be no immediate need for child support payments. In such cases, the parties often share the expenses, including food, utilities, and other necessities, and there may not be a separate child support component required.

However, if one of the parents is living outside the shared residence, the situation changes. In this scenario, the court or the parties’ attorneys may determine child support based on the child support guidelines worksheet. This ensures that the custodial parent receives financial support for the child’s needs, covering expenses such as food, shelter, utilities, and other essential costs associated with the child’s care.

Common Support-Related Issues in Divorce and Family Law Cases

Child and spousal support issues in a New Jersey divorce encompass various intricate issues that require careful consideration. Determining actual income, assessing overnights, distinguishing between mandatory and voluntary contributions, all contribute to the complexity of these cases. Effectively addressing these issues requires a comprehensive understanding of each case’s legal framework and unique circumstances.

  • One especially significant challenge is determining the actual income of the parties involved. This becomes particularly complex when one spouse has additional sources of income from side jobs or owns their own business which many times has a large influx of cash. Proving the existence of these side jobs or the amount of cash a business brings in can be challenging, especially when there is no formal documentation. Issues like this arise quite often and require a thorough investigation of checking account statements, charge card statements, along with online account scrutinization.
  • Another challenging intricacy is when a former spouse/significant other gets divorced or breaks up with their current partner and then finds a new partner and this new couple decides to have a child of their own. When this happens, the court must consider the new child in the other parent’s child support equation giving the payor spouse a credit for what is termed an “other dependent deduction”. Since there is only some much money to go around and the payor spouse is now supporting two families, the court will recalculate child support and probably reduce your child support because of your ex’s decision to create a second family for him or herself. Resultantly, this scenario raises questions about financial contributions and potential impacts on support calculations.
  • The number of overnights spent with each parent has a direct impact on child support calculations. Non-custodial parents may seek more overnights to potentially reduce their child support obligations. This tactic, often referred to as the “dad of the year syndrome,” involves maximizing parenting time during the divorce process to secure a reduction in future child support payments.
  • Determining which financial contributions are considered mandatory versus voluntary is another point of contention in many support matters. For instance, contributions to retirement accounts like 401(k)s might be considered voluntary, while pensions and mandatory union dues are treated differently. Pensions and union dues are often excluded from income calculations due to their mandatory nature and are ordinarily not counted as income for child support purposes.

For more information on Child & Spousal Support Issues In A NJ Divorce, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (732) 365-3299 today.

Eric Hannum, Esq.

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