In New Jersey as well as the rest of the United States, the legal drinking age is 21 years old. That means that any individual under the age of 21 who is found consuming an alcoholic beverage can face an underage drinking charge. Underage drinking is a disorderly persons offense. Despite it being illegal for individuals under the age of 21 to consume alcohol, many individuals opt to do so anyway. Underage drinking is an especially serious concern on college campuses and in beach towns throughout New Jersey, such as Seaside Heights and Belmar. It is also a criminal offense to provide alcohol to minors. If you are over the age of 21 and you are asked to purchase alcoholic beverages for underage individuals, do not buy it for them. Penalties For An Underage Drinking Charge Any individual charged with…Read More

As graduation approaches for so many of New Jersey’s seniors, it seems appropriate for many to beg their parents for a party to celebrate their newest accomplishment. While this may seem like a harmless idea, when parents agree to allow their children to throw a party at their home it can quickly turn into a bad situation for everyone involved once alcohol is introduced. When a parent allows minors who are under the New Jersey legal drinking age of 21 to partake in alcohol consumption on their property, they, along with the minors, could be facing substantial legal and financial consequences. As to the minors, caught drinking underage on the premises, the standard charge is a violation of the 2C:33-15 (possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages by persons under legal age) and should not be taken lightly. This offense can…Read More

With the advancement of technology, it seems that everyone is somehow connected to each other either by phone, or through the internet. Now more so than before, it seems as though most teens have a cell phone, or some form of an electronic device capable of accessing the internet. While many teens have these devices to do schoolwork or to call their parents, many seem to have ventured towards more adult uses. This new use that has become overly popular with teens is called “Sexting”, or the act of sending nude or sexually provocative photos to someone else through an electronic device. While to some teens it may seem harmless, it can land both themselves and or anyone else they send these photos to in court impacting them for years to come. Most of the time, teens are sharing these…Read More