If you are a licensed New Jersey driver, you are undoubtedly aware of the point system. The point system is a way that the state holds drivers accountable for any moving violations they commit by adding “points” to an individual’s driver’s license when he or she receives a traffic citation. Familiarize yourself with New Jersey’s point schedule to avoid facing penalties for traffic violations that result in points. If you are issued a traffic citation, it is possible to fight the citation in court with help from an experienced criminal defense attorney. If you choose to take this route, be proactive and contact an attorney soon after receiving your citation. Different Violations Have Different Point Values The New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission lists all point-bearing traffic offenses on its website. The number of points an individual may face for committing a moving…Read More

An individual’s driver’s license may be suspended for a variety of reasons. Failing to pay his or her child support obligation, being charged with driving while intoxicated (DWI), and acquiring too many points on his or her driver’s license are all reasons why the state might opt to suspend an individual’s driving privileges. When your driver’s license is suspended, you are prohibited from driving under any circumstances. In New Jersey, you can not obtain a “hardship license,” which is a limited driver’s license that allows an individual to drive to work and other necessary places like doctor’s appointments and his or her child’s school. If you are caught driving while your license is suspended, you can face significant consequences. Penalties For Driving On A Suspended License For a first offense, an individual may face a $500 fine. For a second…Read More

As graduation approaches for so many of New Jersey’s seniors, it seems appropriate for many to beg their parents for a party to celebrate their newest accomplishment. While this may seem like a harmless idea, when parents agree to allow their children to throw a party at their home it can quickly turn into a bad situation for everyone involved once alcohol is introduced. When a parent allows minors who are under the New Jersey legal drinking age of 21 to partake in alcohol consumption on their property, they, along with the minors, could be facing substantial legal and financial consequences. As to the minors, caught drinking underage on the premises, the standard charge is a violation of the 2C:33-15 (possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages by persons under legal age) and should not be taken lightly. This offense can…Read More
Memorial Day weekend is closer than you think. Your initial thought is to head “Down the Shore” and patronize your favorite club or restaurant but that thought soon disappears when you consider the shore traffic and the potential for a “DWI” charge against your license. Your next thought is to entertain at home with friends and family but is this a wise choice given the potential liability? What Are The Legal Consequences Of Being A “Social Host” In the legal world, a social host is any person, who invites, by express or implied invitation, individuals into their home and supplies them with alcoholic beverages. Simply put, if you are throwing a party, you are not only the “hostess with the mostess” but you are also now considered by law a “social host.” As a result of this designation, you are…Read More