Filing for divorce can be a tiresome and challenging time. The Divorce process is quite lengthy, complex and time consuming. There are several steps in the divorce process that need to be completed before a divorce can be finalized. Each step has specific requirements and deadlines that need to be met. The first step in filing for divorce is to file the Initial Pleadings in the proper venue of the Superior Court of New Jersey. For example, if you are a resident of Ocean County, the Initial Pleadings have to be filed with the Ocean County Superior Court, Family Division, or if you are a resident of Monmouth County, then the Initial Pleadings will have to be filed with the Monmouth County Superior Court, Family Division. Essentially, if you are a resident of Monmouth, Ocean, Burlington, Mercer County etc., that…Read More

After a couple gets engaged, the thought of a separation is rarely considered. Regrettably, for some couples, time brings forth certain doubts related to the realities of marriage. As a result it is not unusual to see a once loving couple turn into strangers, and begin to go their separate ways. While their separation may be mentally exhausting due to the loss of a once good friend, it can begin to get even more tiresome after the parties begin to divide their personal property. While some of this property may be easy to divide, one of the most difficult items often fought over is the engagement ring given its emotional tie to the relationship. In New Jersey the law on engagement rings is black and white as it is considered a “conditional gift”. In cases like these the engagement ring…Read More
The decision to file for divorce is never easy. There are many factors an individual has to consider when filing for divorce. The main consideration the parties must make is to determine whether they wish to have a standard divorce which provides them with a Final Judgment of Divorce or a Divorce from Bed and Board because of their particular circumstances. Unlike many states that have what is called “legal separation,” New Jersey does not. New Jersey’s version of legal separation is often referred to as a “Divorce from Bed and Board” or a “Limited Divorce.” While a Divorce from Bed and Board and a Final Judgment of Divorce share similarities, they also differ. For example, both parties must consent to a Divorce from Bed and Board, whereas only one party needs to file a Complaint in Divorce that will…Read More