“The driver of a vehicle or street car involved in an accident resulting in injury to or death of any person, or damage to property of any one person in excess of $500.00 shall by the quickest means of communication give notice of such accident to the local police department or to the nearest office of the county police of the county or of the State Police, and in addition shall within 10 days after such accident forward a written report of such accident to the commission on forms furnished by it. Such written reports shall contain sufficiently detailed information with reference to a motor vehicle accident, including the cause, the conditions then existing, the persons and vehicles involved and such information as may be necessary to enable the chief administrator to determine whether the requirements for the deposit of…Read More

In the State of New Jersey under N.J.S.A 39:6B-1 any vehicle that is bought or operated on a public road in the State of New Jersey must carry liability insurance. This coverage is to be for no less than $15,000 for the death or injuries of a single victim, $30,000 to cover any one accident, and $5,000 to cover any form of property damage. If you are currently driving a car without liability insurance, or with a lower amount of coverage than the listed above than you are violating N.J.S.A 39:6B-1, and are facing very severe consequences, as a result. The ramifications for driving without liability insurance can potentially be more devastating in some municipal courts than a first time DWI charge, and without proper representation, there is a long list of penalties one can be convicted of. For a…Read More